Customizing the ReMarkable Tablet

[Last Updated: 2017-11-21]

Getting Access

  1. On your ReMarkable go to Settings/About/Copyrights and Licenses/General Information
  2. Under GPLv3 Compliance note the username (default = root) and password (its possible to change the password later)
  3. Note the IP Address depending on how you want to connect to your device (USB is easier)
    • USB: is the default Address (It’s the same for the USB webinterface)
    • WIFI: The other IP Address
  4. Connect via a SFTP Client (I recommend FileZilla) to the ReMarkable using the before noted IP Address, username and password (It has to be via SFTP not FTP. The Tablet currently only supports a SSH connection and SFTP is a FileTransferProtocol based on SSH)


There are several interesting or useful files to note:


SSH Password

One easy configuration is changing the ssh password for easier connection. Just change the DeveloperPassword variable in /home/root/.config/remarkable/xochitl.conf to your new password.




Under /usr/share/remarkable and /usr/share/remarkable-shutdown are all Splashscreens located. These are just png files that are displayed (i.e. the shutdown or sleeping screen). Note that all pngs concerning the shutdown are stored 2 times, if you change one you also want to change the other.
Now you could draw up your own version and replace it (Remember to back up all the files).

My sleeping screen for instance has this as background: Moon


Under /usr/share/remarkable/templates can all the templates be found. It’s very similar to the Splashscreens, all are just pngs that are used as base layer in notebooks. Changing them is the same as for the Splashscreens (Remember to back up all the files).

Further Resources